Snagging surveys typically cost between £300 to £600. This amount can vary depending on the size of the house. When buying a new home, a snagging survey helps identify any defects that may have been overlooked. Rectifying any faults detected helps avoid any hazardous situations and saves a significant amount of money.
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What should you expect from a snagging survey
A snagging survey helps identify any defects in a building so that they can be fixed before it’s too late. Once your builder has notified you of the completion of the construction, it’s advisable to have a snagging survey so that they can fix any errors before it’s too late. This survey ensures that the building was constructed to the right standards.
A snagging list survey ensures that the structure was built according to plan. Issues such as broken tiles, leaking pipes, and poor finishing should be included in the report. Depending on the warranty provided, the NHBC gives the builder up to eight weeks to fix any defects.
Depending on the faults detected, you can classify the snags into major ones and minor ones, making it easier to conduct the repairs and any ‘resnagging’ survey that might be required. This is also crucial when coming up with a detailed report.
How long does a snagging survey take
A snagging survey can take up to six hours. This duration will be determined by the size of the property and the areas that need to be inspected. It’s advisable to work with someone who will include both the exterior and driveway of the property in the survey.
Types of snagging survey
There are two major types of snagging survey.
- Pre-completion snagging survey
- Post-completion snagging survey
With the pre-completion snagging survey, it’s done before the developer is completely done with everything. This gives the developer adequate time to fix any faults detected.
Most post-completion snagging surveys are done after the homeowner has stayed in the house. If you have lived in the house for more than two years, you can claim repairs for any snagging identified. This is also determined by the duration the builder has guaranteed the structure.
If you have stayed in the house for more than ten years, you can claim for repairs under NHBC’s ten-year warranty covering new-build defects.
Do you need a snagging list
A snagging list is essential in ensuring that all defects are captured and rectified by an expert to avoid incuring additional expenses for the repairs. Hiring a professional surveyor ensures that you get a comprehensive snagging report. It takes up to two buiness days for one to be issued with a detailed report.
Considering how much of a huge investment owning a home is, paying between £300 to £600 for a snagging survey gives value for your money. This is much better than having to pay more to cater for the repairs.