How much does level 3 building survey cost

A full building survey or a level 3 building survey costs an average of £700 to £800 for a property valued between £150,000 – £250,000. The overall cost is significantly influenced by the location and value of the property to be surveyed.

engineering surveyor evaluating a house with a clipboard
Old Buildings

If you recently bought an old property, an RICS Full Structural Survey or a level 3 building survey may be needed to see hidden defects and get detailed professional advice on the property’s condition. This is the most thorough survey and also the most expensive.

When looking for building surveyors, it is important to know that they should be accredited by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). If you want more options to compare prices, ask friends or family, estate agents, or solicitors.

Factors affecting the cost of a level 3 building survey

The overall cost of a level 3 building survey is influenced by the following factors:

  • Location of property
  • Value of property

Location of property

new house with asphalt driveway

Due to high demand, surveyors may charge more in some parts of the UK. If your property is in a highly-urbanised city, expect to pay more. Thereafter, a level 3 building survey done for a property in a less-populated area may be less expensive.

Value of property

The value of your home has a significant bearing on the cost of a level 3 building survey. Since they will have to spend more on insurance to cover any potential errors in their surveys, surveyors will charge more for more valuable houses. In short, the total cost increases as the value of your property increases.

newbuild brick home with block paved driveway

Cost of a level 3 building survey in the UK

Value of PropertyAvg. Cost
£150,000 – £250,000£700 – £800
£250,000 – £350,000£800 – £900
£350,000 – £450,000£900 – £1,000
£450,000 – £500,000+£1,000 – £1,000+
Level 3 Building Survey Price List

The most comprehensive survey that RICS offers is the Level 3 Home Survey, usually referred to as a full structural survey. Depending on the location and value of the property, full structural surveys might cost anywhere from £700 to £800 or possibly more. However, they are a wise investment.